
Leong Xuan Wei, Max - Project Portfolio Page


CantVas is a comprehensive tool tailored for academic and financial management. With features like expense tracking, GPA calculation, timetable management, and daily motivation, CantVas streamlines student life for enhanced organization and productivity.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

Link to code

Features implemented

1. Base structure for expenditure #20

What it does:

Allows the user to add expenses that they would like to track. User can input the description of their expenses, the amount and the date of purchase for comprehensive tracking.

2. Processing commands for expenditure #20

What it does:

Splits the user command into individual components passes it to the corresponding methods to fulfill them. Also included a basic help function to guide users on how to input commands

3. Motivational Quotes on program start-up #49

What it does:

Provides users with a randomly generated motivation quote whenever CantVas program begins

4.Deleting Classes in Timetable #110

What it does:

Deletes the classes based on class codespecified by the user. All instances of the classes are deleted within the specified day.

Contributions to User Guide

Contributions to Developer Guide

Contributions to team-based tasks