
Du LiYan - Project Portfolio Page


CantVas is a comprehensive tool tailored for academic and financial management. With features like expense tracking, GPA calculation, timetable management, and daily motivation, CantVas streamlines student life for enhanced organization and productivity.

Summary of Contributions

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Features implemented

1. GPA Calculator

GPA, which stands for Grade Point Average, is a standard way of measuring academic achievement all around the world. It’s calculated by assigning a numerical value to grades earned in courses (for example, A=5, B=4, etc.), then averaging these numbers to produce a cumulative figure that represents a student’s overall academic performance on a scale. In NUS, GPA system is also adopted to measure how a student performs in the University. Hence it is crucial for students to know how will their GPA change and therefore having a GPA calculator is important.

In our program, I implemented 2 methods of calculating GPA.

1.1 Step By Step GPA Calculator

What it does:

This calculation method is for User who does not aware about how to calculate their GPA, hence this function guides user step by step with prompt to input their Module information and Grade information to finally achieve to calculate their GPA.


1.2 Module List GPA Calculator

What it does:

For users who are more familiar with how GPA is calculated or who has taken a lot of modules. User can use this version of GPA calculator. In this mode of calculation, user can access to the Module List directly , modifying the modules that they input. And calculate the GPA based on the module list information.


2. Mathematical Graph Demonstration

What it does:

Allows User to view the drawing of some mathematical formulas. Which is very helpful for users who require more visual aid in learning mathematics.


3. JUnit Tests For GPA Calculation

Added some JUnit Tests for GPA calculator.


Contributions to User Guide and Development Guide

Contributions to team-based tasks