
Shao Sizhe - Project Portfolio Page


CantVas is a comprehensive tool tailored for academic and financial management. With features like expense tracking, GPA calculation, timetable management, and daily motivation, CantVas streamlines student life for enhanced organization and productivity.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

Link to code

Features implemented

1. Functionality to View Filtered Expenditures #22 #117

What it does:

Allows users to view expenditures filtered by the desired month and year values inputted by the user. Refactored function inputs from using - to / for consistency. Added e/ prefix to function calls for distinction from GPA and Timetable calculations.

2. J-unit Tests for ExpenditureList and TimetableList Class #100 #202 #221

What it does:

Developed tests for invalid inputs, non-compliant inputs, and edge cases related to string splitting.

3. Timetable Listing #101

What it does:

Allow users to see the stored timetable in ascending time format, separated by the days of the week.

4. Handling Edge Cases in TimetableList Class #182 #191

What it does:

Implemented exception handling for lengthy inputs and overnight classes. Classes are now restricted from midnight to 11 pm.

5. Made TimetableList and ExpenditureList Class More Robust #222 #221 #217

What it does:

Imposes character limit on user inputs, validates input range, and provides specific error messages for invalid inputs.

6. JavaDoc Enhancement #269 #268

What it does:

Enhanced JavaDoc comments for better code understanding and maintainability.

Contributions to User Guide

Contributions to Developer Guide

Wrote user stories and created sequence diagrams for the CantVasMain class and PrcoessCommand class jointly with other teammates. #238 #236 #234 #232

Contributions to team-based tasks