
Liu Haotian - Project Portfolio Page


CantVas is a comprehensive tool tailored for academic and financial management. With features like expense tracking, GPA calculation, timetable management, and daily motivation, CantVas streamlines student life for enhanced organization and productivity.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

Link to code

Features implemented

**1. Enabled users to add and delete classes from timetable **


What it does:

This is a feature for managing a timetable or class schedule in a Java application. It allows the user to add and delete classes from a timetable, with each class having attributes such as the day of the week, time, duration, and location. The added classes can also be stored and accessed later even after the user closes the program.

2. Handles exceptions when input has invalid format


What it does:

The code uses a custom exception InvalidInputFormatException to handle specific cases where the input format does not meet the expected criteria. This exception is thrown when the input string for the expenditure does not contain the required keywords (“d/”, “amt/”, “date/”) in the correct order or format.

3. J-unit Tests for Processing command

What it does:

Created JUnit tests created include test cases for TimetableParser, GPAMain, Module, ModuleList, YlogX, YX, YXsq.

JUnit tests for GC-related classes:

JUnit tests for GPA-related classes:

JUnit tests for TimetableParser

Contributions to User Guide

Contributions to Developer Guide

Contributions to team-based tasks