
Developer Guide


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We referenced AddressBook_Level3 by using their User Guide and Developer Guide to help us structure our own documents.

We used PlantUML integration plugin to help us create our diagrams.

We used PlantUML webpage to understand PlantUML syntax.




The Architecture Diagram above explains the high-level design of CantVas.

Given below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

CantVasMain is in charge of the launch and shut down of CantVas.

The bulk of the app’s work is done by the following three components:

Exceptions represents the exceptions used by other components.



How UI works:

  1. Reads in user input and send the command to CantVasMain for parsing and execution.
  2. Prints an output based on user input.
  3. Reads in user input for steps in GPA calculator.


Class Diagram


The class diagram above illustrates that CantVasMain instantiates the UI class, while other classes have dependencies on UI, as they utilize its methods.

Sequence Diagram


The Sequence diagram above illustrates the interaction between CantVasMain and UI when the program starts.



How ProcessCommand works:

  1. CantVasMain receive the user input from UI and passes it to ProcessCommand.
  2. Depending on the type of command, ProcessCommand passes the command to
    1. processExpenditureUserCommand or TimetableParser if the command is for expenditure and timetable to further parse the command.
    2. GPACommand or ProcessListCommand for GPA calculator to receive more user inputs.
  3. Returns true to CantVasMain when the exit command is entered, ends CantVas.


Class Diagram


The class diagram above showcases the various classes leveraged by ProcessCommand to facilitate its task of parsing and executing commands.

Sequence Diagram


The sequence diagram above illustrates how user input is parsed and executed when passed to ProcessCommand.



How Storage works:

  1. Saves expenditure list, timetable list and gpa list in its respective text file. All text will be in a folder called data for easy location.
  2. When ProcessCommand receives the exit command, Storage writes expenditure and timetable lists to their respective text file for saving.
  3. Storage will instantiate ExpenditureList, TimetableList and ModuleList to store data read from the text file before passing it to other classes.
  4. If a text file or the data directory is not found when trying to read, Storage will create a new file/ directory and return an empty list to the caller.
  5. Reads in data from text file and process the data into strings to pass into addExpenditure, addModule and addClass methods.
  6. PrintWriter and File and Scanner classes are responsible for the writing, opening and reading from files respectively.


Class Diagram


The class diagram above illustrates the classes that is associated or is dependent on Storage.



How Exceptions work:

  1. Throws an error message when the user enters an input that has the wrong format and the user will be informed about their wrong format.
  2. Takes in an error message when thrown that can be printed.
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Expenditure Tracker

The Expenditure Tracker simplifies expense tracking, allowing users to log daily spending. With filters for month, year, and type, it aims to promote financial awareness, aiding informed decision-making for better financial health.

The ExpenditureList class is responsible for managing a collection of expenditures. It provides methods for adding, deleting and listing expenditures.

The Expenditure class represents individual expenditure instance within the system. Each expenditure object contains key attributes such as description, type, amount and date.

The class diagram below illustrates the relationship between ExpenditureList and Expenditure class.

Class Diagram


How Expenditure works:

  1. When a new expenditure is added, ExpenditureList creates a new Expenditure object with the provided details and adds it to the expenditureList.
  2. When an expenditure is deleted, ExpenditureList removes the Expenditure object at the specified index from the expenditureList.
  3. When expenditures are listed, ExpenditureList iterates over the expenditureList and calls the toString() method of each Expenditure object to get a string representation of the expenditure.
  4. When expenditures are listed by month, year, or type, ExpenditureList filters the expenditureList based on the specified criteria and returns a new list of Expenditure objects that match the criteria.
  5. The isValidDate(), isValidMonth(), isValidAmount(), isValidType(), and isValidDescription() methods in ExpenditureList are used to validate the details of an expenditure before it is added to the expenditureList.

Add expenditure

Allows user to add a new expenditure to the expenditure list, it is optional for the users to specify a type, the type would be left as NA should they choose not to add a type.

Format without type: e/ add/ d/ <description> amt/ <cost> date/ <>.

Format with type: e/ add/ d/ <description> t/ <type> amt/ <cost> date/ <>.



The sequence diagram above illustrates how ExpenditureList goes about validating user input and adding the new expenditure.

Design Considerations:

Aspect: How add expenditure with and without type is handled in processCommand.

Viewing all expenditures:

Allows user to view their whole expenditure list.

Format: e/ list/.



The sequence diagram above illustrates how ExpenditureList retrieve the information from Expenditure to print the list.

Viewing expenditures by month:

Viewing an expenditure in numerical form, filtered by month.

Format: e/ view/ m/ <mm.yyyy>.

View expenditure by year:

Viewing an expenditure in numerical form, filtered by year.

Format: e/ view/ y/ <yyyy>.

View expenditure by type:

Viewing an expenditure in numerical form, filtered by type.

Format: e/ view/ t/ <type>.



The sequence diagram above illustrates how ProcessCommand determines which method to call in ExpenditureList.

Delete expenditure:

Deleting an expenditure in numerical form, by referencing its index in the array.

Format: e/ del/ <index>.



The sequence diagram above illustrates how the Expenditure object is deleted from the list.

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GPA Calculator

The GPA Calculator Module is a comprehensive component designed to facilitate the calculation of a user’s updated GPA based on their current academic standing and projected module grades. This guide will walk developers through the architecture, functionality, and core components of the module.


The module is divided into 5 classes dealing with 2 different calculation methods.

Class Diagram


ModuleList and Module: The diagram shows a composition relationship between ModuleList and Module, denoted by a solid diamond and a line. This indicates that ModuleList contains Module instances and manages their lifecycle. The “0..*” next to Module implies that a ModuleList can contain zero or more Module instances.


Handles user input of module information: module name, module weightage and module grade.

Here we demonstrate the Sequence Diagram with sample input CS1010 with 4 MC and A grade.



This extends Module class, which is used to execute actions like add/delete/view regarding the module list.

Here we demonstrate the Sequence Diagram with sample input CS1010 with 4 MC and A grade.



This class is responsible for interacting with the user, collecting inputs, and managing the flow of the GPA calculation process. It operates within a loop, allowing the user to perform multiple calculations or exit at any point.



Contains the logic for calculating the GPA.



This class is in charge of calculation of GPA by Module List method by identifying user’s input.


Workflow for step-by-step GPA calculator

Start/Exit Prompt:

Prompt the user to start the calculation or exit.

GPA and MCs Input:

Collect the user’s current GPA and the number of Modular Credits (MCs) taken.

Module Details Input:

For each module the user wants to add, collect the module name ,modular credit and the expected grade.

GPA Calculation:

Calls GPAMain.calculateNewGPA to compute the updated GPA based on inputs.

Display Updated GPA:

Displays the calculated updated GPA to the user.

Workflow for module list GPA calculator

Adding module

User can access this via add command.

Store Module information into txt file

Modules information will be stored into the gpa.txt file in data folder.

Delete/Edit modules list

User can access this function via del command. User will be prompt to either delete specific module information, or to clear the whole module list.

View Current Module List

Can be accessed via viewlist command. Current module list information will be printed out 1 by 1.

GPA calculation

Can be accessed via gpa command. After prompted to input current GPA and numbers of MC taken. The program will automatically output the GPA based on the information store in the Module List. User is prompt to edit the module list first before proceed with calculation.

Key Methods


input: double currentGPA, int totalAccumulatedCredits, int numOfModules, int[] moduleCredits, String[] moduleGrades Calculates and returns the updated GPA.

GPA Calculation Logic

Total Points Calculation:

Calculates the total points achieved so far by multiplying the current GPA by the total accumulated credits.

Add Points for New Modules:

For each new module, add to the total points based on the grade and credits.

Calculate Updated GPA:

Divide the total points by the new total credits (accumulated + new modules) to get the updated GPA.

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Mathematical Graph Demo


The Graph Demo function uses JPanel , which is a simple GUI tool in javax.swing package. With pre-written formula and defined size of parameters, therefore we can demonstrate the mathematical formula with illustration.

Class Diagram


Classes and Methods:



Sequence Diagram


How GC works:

  1. ProcessGCCommand utilizes the UI class to continuously fetch user commands.
  2. Inside the ProcessGCCommand, a loop runs awaiting commands from the UI.
  3. Once a command is received, it’s processed in a switch-case structure:
    • yx: If the command is yx, the ProcessGCCommand invokes YX.main(), which sets up and displays a JFrame with the graph y = x.
    • ylogx: If the command is ylogx, it calls YlogX.main(), which displays the graph y = log(x).
    • yxsq: If the command is yxsq, it triggers YXsq.main(), showing the graph y = x^2.
    • exit: The exit command breaks the loop and typically closes the application or returns to a previous menu.
    • help: Displays available commands, which helps users understand what commands are available.
  4. Each graph class (YX, YlogX, YXsq) extends JPanel, which is crucial for drawing the graphs. They override the paintComponent(Graphics g) method where the actual drawing logic is implemented:
    • These methods set up the graph axes and draw the respective mathematical functions using Java’s Graphics API.
    • When main() is called on any of these classes, a JFrame is instantiated, the respective JPanel (graph) is added, and the frame is displayed.
  5. Users see the JFrame pop up with the desired graph and can close it or return to enter another command. This cycle continues until the exit command is processed
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Timetable Tracker

The timetable tracker facilitates the management of class schedules. It aims to provide users with a convenient way to organize and track their classes throughout the week. Users can add, delete, and view classes based on specific days, enabling efficient scheduling and time management enhancing the overall productivity and organization of users.

The TimetableParser class is responsible for parsing commands related to timetable tracker and calling the respective methods in timetableList.

The TimetableList class is responsible for managing a collection of classes. It provides methods for adding, deleting and listing timetable. TimetableList makes use of a 2d array to store the classes, an array for each weekday and an internal array for each hour of the day.

The Class class represents individual class instance within the system. Each class object contains key attributes such as code, time, duration and location.

The class diagram below illustrates the relationship between TimetableList and Class class.

Class Diagram


How Timetable works:

  1. When a new class is added, TimetableList creates a new Class object with the provided details and adds it to the timetableList based on the day and time of the class. This is repeated with a decreasing class duration and increasing class time until the class duration reaches 0.
  2. When a class is deleted, TimetableList iterates through the array for the day and looks for classes with the same class code as what the user input and deletes the Class object from the 2d array.
  3. When the timetable is listed for the whole week, TimetableList iterates through the 2d array starting from monday, 00:00 and prints the details if there is a class.
  4. When the timetable is listed for a specific day, TimetableList iterates through the array for that day and prints the details if there is a class.
  5. The isSlotAvailable(), isValidDay(), isValidClassTime(), isValidClassCode() and isAbleToAddClass() methods in TimetableList are used to validate whether the user input is correct and whether there is any conflict with the existing timetable before the class is added or deleted from the array.

Design Considerations:

ASPECT: What the timetable list is store in.

Add Class

Allows users to add classes to the timetable, provided there is no existing class already in the time slot.

Format: tt/ add/ day/ <day> code/ <classCode> time/ <hh> duration/ <duration> location/ <location>.



The sequence diagram above illustrates how TimetableList goes about validating user input and adding the new class.

List Class

View classes in order of day and time.

Format: tt/ list/.



The sequence diagram above illustrates how TimetableList iterates through the 2d array to list the timetable.

List Class by day

View classes for a specific day.

Format: tt/ list -d/ <day>.



The sequence diagram above illustrates how TimetableList iterates through the array for the day to list the timetable for the day.

Delete Class

Deletes all class on the day that has the same class code as the user input.

Format: tt/ del/ day/ <day> code/ <code>.



The sequence diagram above illustrates how TimetableList iterates through the array for the day to check for similar class code before deleting the Class object from the array.

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Motivational Quotes

The Motivational module prints a randomly generated motivational quote from the fixed array for the user whenever the program starts. It uses inbuilt random class from java.util to randomly generate an index to select the motivational quote to display

Class Diagram


The class diagram above illustrates the classes associated with MotivationalQuites.



The sequence diagram above illustrates how MotivationalQuotes gets a random quote from the quote list.

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Development Notes

Input Validation: Ensure that GPA scores and credit numbers are within valid ranges. This module expects a GPA between 0 and 5, and non-negative numbers for credits.

Error Handling: Properly handle invalid inputs, such as non-numeric values for credits or unsupported grade values.

Assertions: Use assertions to catch unexpected values during development. Ensure they are adequately handled or logged.

Future Enhancements

GUI Integration: Consider developing a graphical user interface for easier input and interaction.

Persistent Data: Implement functionality to save and retrieve historical GPA calculations.

Expanded Grade Scale: Allow for customization of the grade to GPA points mapping to accommodate different institutions’ grading scales.

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Product scope

Target user profile

Value proposition

CantVas offers users the ability to efficiently monitor their expenses, enabling them to enhance their financial management skills. Additionally, students can utilize CantVas to calculate their GPA grades, facilitating academic success. With its versatile functionality, CantVas serves as a comprehensive 3-in-1 solution for users to manage expenditure, timetable, and GPA, thereby enhancing their overall organizational capabilities and productivity.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 international student on a budget use CantVas to add my purchases meticulously record my expenses
v1.0 analytical student view a breakdown of his expenditures focus on financial responsibility
v1.0 budget-conscious student view my expenses filtered by specific months and years track my progress towards financial goals and identify any trends over time
v1.0 long-term planner see an overview of my expenditures grouped by year evaluate my financial health and plan for future expenses accordingly
v1.0 student who wants to start fresh ability to delete all of my recorded expenditures reset my financial tracking system and begin anew
v1.0 careless user delete wrong items in the expenditure tracker add back the correct item in the expenditure tracker
v1.0 user who needs assistance be able to access help information within the application understand how to use its features effectively
v1.0 user finished with my tasks be able to exit the application easily close it and move on to other activities
v1.0 Proactive business major calculate my course grades on CantVas step by step see which mod I have to SU
v1.0 user who values user assistance access help information and exit the GPA calculator easily get assistance if needed and navigate the application seamlessly
v2.0 organized student add my expenses by type understand where my money is going and make informed financial decisions
v2.0 strategic spender categorize and view my expenditures by type identify areas where I can potentially cut costs or adjust my budget.
v2.0 user seeking daily inspiration see motivational quotes and tips CantVas provides at startup stay motivated throughout her academic journey
v2.0 student trying to organize my schedule input my classes into the timetable tracker keep track of the classes I have
v2.0 student who needs to adjust my schedule remove specific classes from my timetable ensure the timetable accurately reflects my current commitments
v2.0 student planning for the upcoming week see all my classes scheduled for the week in one place plan my study and extracurricular activities efficiently
v2.0 student organizing my daily tasks check my classes for a specific day focus on the tasks and commitments for that day without feeling overwhelmed
v2.0 meticulous user add modules to the list by inputting their details maintain a comprehensive record of all the modules I’ve taken for GPA calculation
v2.0 detail-oriented student edit the module list by deleting then adding ensure the accuracy of my GPA calculation
v2.0 student who overloaded have a module list that keeps track of the modules I am taking view the grades for each module
v2.0 student who forgot my basics see a graph demo so that I can remember how mathematical equations are like in graphical form
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Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should be portable and working on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 or more expenditure without any change in performance of CantVas.
  3. Should be able to handle exceptions and edge cases for smooth operation.
  4. A user with an average typing speed in regular English text (not code or system admin commands) should find that they can complete most tasks more quickly using text commands rather than relying on the mouse.
  5. Comprehensive unit tests should be implemented within the application to guarantee accurate functionality, streamline maintenance, and facilitate future enhancements.


Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions on how to test the app manually.

Please remember to include spaces between each input when using the commands to ensure proper functionality.

Launch and Shutdown

  1. Initial launch
    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder
    2. Open a terminal and change directory to the folder created with the jar file inside and type java -jar CantVas.jar into the terminal.
  2. Shutdown
    1. When CantVas is running, type exit to close CantVas.

Show help

  1. Prerequisites: NIL
  2. Test case 1: help

    Expected: All commands and their format will be shown.

Expenditure Tracker

Adding expenditure

  1. Prerequisites: NIL
  2. Test Case 1: e/ add/ d/ shopping amt/ 128.00 date/ 31.03.2024

    Expected: A new expenditure with type NA is added successfully.

  3. Test case 2: e/ add/ d/ spider-man tickets t/ movie amt/ 13.50 date/ 12.02.2024

    Expected: A new expenditure with type MOVIE is added successfully.

View Expenditure

  1. Prerequisites: Added the 2 expenditure in Adding Expenditure
  2. Test case 1: e/ list/

    Expected: The current expenditure list will be shown along with the total expenses.

  3. Test case 2: e/ view/ m/ 03.2024

    Expected: The expenditure list for 03.2024 will be shown, at least 1 should be the shopping expenditure previously added.

  4. Test case 3: e/ view/ y/ 2024

    Expected: The expenditure list for 2024 will be shown, the 2 previously add expenditure should be shown.

  5. Test case 4: e/ view/ t/ movie

    Expected: The expenditure list for type movie will be shown, at least 1 should be the spider-man tickets previously added.

Deleting expenditure

  1. Prerequisites: List all expenditure using e/ list/
  2. Test case 1: e/ del/ 1

    Expected: The first expenditure in the list will be deleted and the details will be shown.

  3. Test case 2: e/ clearlist/

    Expected: The whole expenditure list should be cleared. No expenditure should be shown when e/ list/ is entered.

GPA Calculator

Method 1

  1. Prerequisites: Enter the step by step gpa calculator using gpastep followed by gpa to start the calculator.
  2. Test case 1: Enter the following input for each prompt:
    1. 4.00/24
    2. 1
    3. n/CS1010 mc/4 gr/A+

    Expected: Your updated GPA is: 4.14.

Method 2

  1. Prerequisites: Enter the advanced gpa calculator using gpalist
  2. Test case 1: add
    • Enter the following input for each prompt:
      • 2
      • n/CS1010 mc/4 gr/A+
      • n/CS1010 mc/4 gr/A+

    Expected: 2 modules will be added.

  3. Test case 2: viewlist

    Expected: The 2 module just added should be seen.

  4. Test case 3: del, followed by 1

  5. Test case 4: gpa
    • Enter the following input for each prompt:
      • 4
      • 24

    Expected: Your GPA is: 4.14

Mathematical Graph Demo

  1. Prerequisites: Enter the GC screen using gc
  2. Test case 1: YX

    Expected: Graph of Y = X should appear in an external screen.

  3. Test case 2: YlogX

    Expected: Graph of Y = log(X) should appear in an external screen.

  4. Test case 3: YXsq

    Expected: Graph of Y = X^2 should appear in an external screen.

Timetable Tracker

Adding class

  1. Prerequisites: NIL
  2. Test case 1: tt/ add/ day/ 5 code/ cs2113 time/ 16 duration/ 2 location/ LT16

    Expected: Class is added successfully with the correct day, code, time, duration and location.

  3. Test case 2: tt/ add/ day/ 2 code/ cs2113 time/ 10 duration/ 1 location/ COM1-0210

    Expected: Class is added successfully with the correct day, code, time, duration and location.

Viewing classes

  1. Prerequisites: Added the 2 classes in Adding class
  2. Test case 1: tt/ list/

    Expected: 1 class is shown on tuesday for cs2113 for a duration of 1 at 10, 2 class for cs2113 will be shown with decreasing duration to represent the time left before the class ends.

  3. Test case 2: tt/ list -d/ 5

    Expected: Friday timetable should be shown with the cs2113 class shown for 16:00 and 17:00.

Deleting class

  1. Prerequisites: List add classes using tt/ list/, there should be cs2113 class on friday.
  2. Test case 1: tt/ del/ day/ 5 code/ cs2113

    Expected: The cs2113 class on friday should be deleted. No cs2113 class should be shown when tt/ list -d/ 5 is entered.

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